I ended up raising $235 for the American Diabetes Association.
I want to thank my coworkers and family for the donations.
This morning was a lot of fun. I got to Keeneland at about 7:40am and was able to quickly check in and get my t-shirt. I then wandered around some and found one of my coworkers. We went over to the ADA booth and I picked up a red strider hat. I quickly put my hair up and the hat on since it was already starting to get sunny and hot. I had put on sunscreen before I left but forgot my clip on sunglasses. I really need to find them. I then also wandered to the booths and started to get some of the free items that were out. It was great that one person was giving away bags. I knew there would be stuff, but did not realize how much. I did debate about waiting till after since I did not want to carry it all on the walk. I went to about 1/2 the booths before and 1/2 after.

At about 8:30 they started the announcements and such. A country singer sang the National Anthem. They had some of the youth ambassadors come up for awards and one was handed out by the Mayor. The 2 corporate sponsors, Kroger and Carmax were thanked. At times I was not able to hear and I know I am forgetting the order of things. They had Coach Mo from the Biggest Loser Season 8 talk some. I did not know till today that he is from Louisville. He has lost 130lbs and is off his diabetes medications. Just before we started walkin a guy from the Health Department led us in a warm up. He was such a trip. Lots of fun and a great warm up.
Then we were let loose to start the walk. It started up a small hill in the beautiful Keeneland Race Track. At the top of the hill was our first rest/water area and the spot where I had to make a decision. I chose Down... I decided to go to the right and head back down the hill to complete the 1 mile walk.
At that point I got out my camera and turned to catch the people who were still coming up the hill. They said that there were over 1500 people registered to walk. I finished the 1 mile and went to get some of the food that was available like a Panera bagel (YUM!) I also finished my health booth bingo to go in for the drawings that would be later. I know I got some neat things and some great informational handouts. I did not take the time to get a chair massage though. I probably should have.
I felt really good. I had been on my feet about 2 hours and I was not in a lot of pain. There was some but not as much as I use to get when standing for long periods. I was able to see some of the others from my work who had signed up. There was so many people though. I know we did not find all. I wish I could have talked to them after the walk but missed them.
I did get in the red strider picture. What was really cool is that I was right next to Coach Mo when the picture was taken. I was able to talk to him for a short minute. I mentioned that I had tried out at one point for biggest loser, but did not make the cut. He commented that he actually tried out on a dare. That he went to a live tryout and did not have paperwork or a picture. That is kinda cool.
Once the picture is done I called JD and started walking some to the exit as I waited for him to show up. By this point it is 11am and very hot! I have downed at least 3 bottles of water since 7:30am and still feel slightly thirsty. I was also hot and sweaty. Once I got home I had a nice shower and changed into my new shirt.
All in all a very good morning and a fun time.