Thursday, August 4, 2011

Blog- I have neglected you

I must admit that other things have occupied my time in the past week. Exercise, Work, Sleep, etc have all taken priority over the act of typing words on a screen. I have been falling asleep at night thinking about posts that I would like to write, but never typed a word. I have been reading the blogs I follow and smiling and nodding along with the insights, trials, and accomplishments. I just have not been commenting. I missed posting for Friend Making Monday. Today is usually my NSV list day. I am even taking a break from that. I plan to do my measurements this weekend and maybe take some updated pictures. I think both will be great NSVs for next week.

One thing that I am proud of is that my exercise has not suffered because of playing more computer games. What has suffered is blogging. That I can live with I think. I am not Catholic but I do give up something during Lent. This year I gave up computer gaming. It was also when I started my blog. I guess because I had the free time and was so high on new ME energy I was blogging almost daily. I was losing weight every week and trying out new exercises and other things that I had fun blogging about. Now that I have had a 3 week long plateau and I have started playing Garden of Time on FB my blogging has slacked off. I am doing about the same exercise and eating the same things each week. BORING!!!

With that being said I do have some post ideas. A new work challenge has started this month and I think it is going to be a hard one for me. I have my weigh in post tomorrow and I sneaked a peak today. I think my graph will be back tomorrow.

I would love some ideas though! What would you like me to write about? What would you like to know about me?


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