Today was an experience after work. I had boxed up some items that are too big and decided to take them to a local consignment shop in town. They are the only consignment place I have heard of that takes plus sized clothing. I get there and I leave the stuff in the car to make sure they are accepting clothing. I am told that they usually stop buying at 6pm but I could bring it in so I did. I filled out the little slip and went to wander some. I could hear another employee state in a very snotty tone, "Did you tell her our policy?". My hackles went up at that point. I went back to looking at the jewelry and found something that was cute and it was marked $9.99. I turned it over to find that the original sticker was still on and the item was sold for $7. Well isn't that interesting. I then wandered to the back of the store and found the woman's section. I realized then that I was not going to get much sold. Most of the items they had were jeans in the plus sized sections. All seemed over priced for a consignment store. If I wait for sales and use coupons sent to me by Avenue or Lane Bryant I could get as good a deal or better.
Finally my name was called and out of the about 20 things I brought in they wanted 4 of the items. I got $10.20 for the items which is pretty good. She said the quality on some was not up to their standard. I knew that about 2 of the things. Now the Avenue pants were basically brand new. I am not sure the gray pair was worn at all. I think they had a problem with the Avenue brand even though they said that was one they take. Now they took a pair of Lane Bryant pants that were OLD and worn lots as well as Dress Barn shell I got at good will to use for a halloween costume. Heck I might have made money on that. They also took a pair of gray shorts, but not the black pair and then an orange shirt. OK, maybe they do not have a problem with Avenue since the last 2 were from Avenue. I was just really surprised the pants did not sell.
Some of the items that did not sell I put up on Craig's List. We shall see if I can make any money that way. The others I have put in a bag to go to Goodwill. I might also put them up on a site Skinny Emmie has talked about if they do not sell. Still debating on some. I did not take the best pictures for craigs list. The picture here is the Roaman's swimsuit in size 28 that I had.
I just left the store with a icky feeling in my stomach. The attitude was not the greatest from the one employee. The other thing that got me was that she asked if I wanted my box back. I think I would be a No Duh! I had the stuff in 2 boxes so it was not crammed up. She crammed all that she did not want in 1 box. The lid did not close. She could have split the clothing up into the 2 boxes.
Even though the average was about $2.50/item the attitude I was subject to means I will not go back to sell or to shop. I can buy new if I wait for sales and use coupons and average about the same price as what I saw in the store.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Friday Weigh In!
Another Friday and it is time once again for my weigh in. But first I want to announce that I am going to be Stepping Out to Stop Diabetes on June 4th. This is a fun walk to raise money to for the American Diabetes Association. I was diagnosed last year even though for years I knew it was coming. Their website helped me with tips and information to help manage my diabetes. I am also walking for my mother, grandmother and others in my family who have had to live with diabetes.
Now on to the Numbers:
Weight: 287.2 lbs
Loss: -2.0 lbs
Total: -40.8 lbs (15 wks)
Avg: 2.72lbs/week
That is it for now. I need to get ready for work. The sun is shining which has not happened in a long time. I am glad it is Friday and I am ready for the weekend. Saturday is busy with Tai Chi, a Med Toss to get rid of expired/unused meds, errands and then to see a movie with JD. What are your weekend plans?
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Thursday Non-Scale Victories
Time again for my Thursday NSVs! I really like doing this before Friday's weigh in. It helps to have these in my mind if the number on the scale is not lower than last week.
1) I tried Pilates last night at the Y. It was an hour class and I could really feel it in my abs and legs. I liked that it was a small class and so much better than the Zumba class. I really feel the instructor was watching out for me and making sure I was getting the moves. When she went to have us go on our hands and knees I advised that I could not do that because of the arthritis and she said it was not a problem. There were only in the position about 2 minutes. It hurts to kneel because the cushion in my right knee is pretty worn down. I think I am going to continue with the Pilates so I might need to find a way to kneel. Maybe if I had a small towel to kneel on to give me some cushion.
2) In the first 27 days of April I have worked out 15 days. I have done an average of 30-60 minutes of exercise each time. Water Aerobics, Tai Chi, Treadmill and the Elliptical are my go-to exercises. I also tried Zumba and Pilates. On the treadmill and the elliptical I see improvement. I last longer and can increase the intensity. I also experimented and tried some of the programs on the machines instead of just using manual. My workout partner LM was using some of the programs and helped me get over my worry that it would be too hard.
3) I joined the 100 hour challenge at the Y. I have till the end of December to get the 100 hours. I am able to go back and record all the days I have worked out in April. So I have 9 months to get 100 hours. They have allowed sign ups since January. The longer I wait the shorter time I would have. Now if I had waited till July I would have had a full year to compete the 100 hours. Anyone who signs up from July-Dec will have till June 2012. I decided to join now since I ran the numbers and I can finish by the end of December.
4) I am taking more care with my appearance. I have started to wear makeup and jewelry again. My ears have to get use to earrings. I have 4 piercings in each ear. Part of my 'wild' youth. I need to organize my jewelry again so I accessorize my outfits. It is hard to wear bracelets at work though because of the typing. Oh well.
5) My balance is getting better with the Tai Chi Class. The newest move we learned has us standing on the left leg as we raise up the right and the kick it slowly forward. After water aerobics on Tues I did the Tai Chi moves in the water. It was quite fun!
What are some of your Non-Scale Victories this week?
1) I tried Pilates last night at the Y. It was an hour class and I could really feel it in my abs and legs. I liked that it was a small class and so much better than the Zumba class. I really feel the instructor was watching out for me and making sure I was getting the moves. When she went to have us go on our hands and knees I advised that I could not do that because of the arthritis and she said it was not a problem. There were only in the position about 2 minutes. It hurts to kneel because the cushion in my right knee is pretty worn down. I think I am going to continue with the Pilates so I might need to find a way to kneel. Maybe if I had a small towel to kneel on to give me some cushion.
2) In the first 27 days of April I have worked out 15 days. I have done an average of 30-60 minutes of exercise each time. Water Aerobics, Tai Chi, Treadmill and the Elliptical are my go-to exercises. I also tried Zumba and Pilates. On the treadmill and the elliptical I see improvement. I last longer and can increase the intensity. I also experimented and tried some of the programs on the machines instead of just using manual. My workout partner LM was using some of the programs and helped me get over my worry that it would be too hard.
3) I joined the 100 hour challenge at the Y. I have till the end of December to get the 100 hours. I am able to go back and record all the days I have worked out in April. So I have 9 months to get 100 hours. They have allowed sign ups since January. The longer I wait the shorter time I would have. Now if I had waited till July I would have had a full year to compete the 100 hours. Anyone who signs up from July-Dec will have till June 2012. I decided to join now since I ran the numbers and I can finish by the end of December.
4) I am taking more care with my appearance. I have started to wear makeup and jewelry again. My ears have to get use to earrings. I have 4 piercings in each ear. Part of my 'wild' youth. I need to organize my jewelry again so I accessorize my outfits. It is hard to wear bracelets at work though because of the typing. Oh well.
5) My balance is getting better with the Tai Chi Class. The newest move we learned has us standing on the left leg as we raise up the right and the kick it slowly forward. After water aerobics on Tues I did the Tai Chi moves in the water. It was quite fun!
What are some of your Non-Scale Victories this week?
100 hr challenge,
Monday, April 25, 2011
Friend Makin' Monday!
I participate in FMM. The questions come from All the Weigh blogger.
Today I felt... happy to see the sun. There has been way too much rain lately.
Today I saw.... My 2 girl kitties snuggling on the bed.
Today I ate... 2 mini Slim Jims for a nice protein snack
Today I kissed... Strife kitty. My silly Strifey.
Today I bought... Annie Chun’s Roasted Wasabi Seaweed. My order from Amazon shipped.
Today I heard... the alarm which felt way too early.
Today I lost... sleep due to storms and allergies.
Today I decided... to wear some makeup and earrings.
Today I workout and practice my Tai Chi. I slacked off over the weekend.
Today I wish... for a quick and peaceful day at work. No angry customers.
FMM: Today I....
Today I saw.... My 2 girl kitties snuggling on the bed.
Today I ate... 2 mini Slim Jims for a nice protein snack
Today I kissed... Strife kitty. My silly Strifey.
Today I bought... Annie Chun’s Roasted Wasabi Seaweed. My order from Amazon shipped.
Today I heard... the alarm which felt way too early.
Today I lost... sleep due to storms and allergies.
Today I decided... to wear some makeup and earrings.
Today I workout and practice my Tai Chi. I slacked off over the weekend.
Today I wish... for a quick and peaceful day at work. No angry customers.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Today is a Me Day
Today has been a ME day. I had a lovely Tai Chi class this morning where we learned another 4 moves or so. I got a great workout in and I know this is going to strengthen my legs a bunch! After the class I came home, took a shower and had a snack while reading some on the computer.
At 12:00 I headed out to go to Spencerian for my 90 minute massage. It was lovely. I scheduled it after I hit my 10% weight loss. Plus I also had a coupon for $5 off during the month of April. Coupons are almost always a good thing. :) The normal price for 90 minutes is $35 so even without the coupon it is a great price. I may need to make this a monthly thing. I am so relaxed now and my shoulders are nice and loose.
My front dwarf lilac bushes are starting to bloom. They are so beautiful and almost makes up for all the rain. Actually that is a lie, nothing can make up for all the rain. Last night 3 big storms went through and we have more to come. I love that the wild violets have settled in as the ground cover in our front beds. Now we just have to wait for the Day Lilies and the Ornamental Lilies to bloom.
The rest of the day I think I will rest some or maybe go out later. It will mostly depend on the weather, car scheduling and how I feel. Today is a really good day.
At 12:00 I headed out to go to Spencerian for my 90 minute massage. It was lovely. I scheduled it after I hit my 10% weight loss. Plus I also had a coupon for $5 off during the month of April. Coupons are almost always a good thing. :) The normal price for 90 minutes is $35 so even without the coupon it is a great price. I may need to make this a monthly thing. I am so relaxed now and my shoulders are nice and loose.
My front dwarf lilac bushes are starting to bloom. They are so beautiful and almost makes up for all the rain. Actually that is a lie, nothing can make up for all the rain. Last night 3 big storms went through and we have more to come. I love that the wild violets have settled in as the ground cover in our front beds. Now we just have to wait for the Day Lilies and the Ornamental Lilies to bloom.
The rest of the day I think I will rest some or maybe go out later. It will mostly depend on the weather, car scheduling and how I feel. Today is a really good day.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Friday Weigh In
By The Numbers:
Weight: 289.2 lbs
Loss: -1.8 lbs
Total: -38.8 lbs
Average Loss: 2.77 lbs /week
I was convinced last night that I was not going to have a loss this week. I was mentally preparing for it. I had sneaked a peak on Thursday and the scale had me at the same thing I was last Friday. I knew it was time to have the dreaded plateau. Then this morning the scale registered a loss. I was totally and completely in shock. My average per week is slowing down but I can accept that. I will just need to incorporate more exercise I think. My eating is right now in line I think. I will need to tweek some things. I need to limit the candy more. I like my chocolate. I also should look into eating more fruit. I just do not like that much fruit.
Today was also our Biometrics at work. My total cholesterol was really good (141) but the good cholesterol was really low (22) and that needs to change. I am doing the things that are suggested like working out and losing weight. I am going to see if adding any supplements might help. My BMI went from 61.2 down to 54.6. Yippy! I can not find my 2010 data, but my waist measurement went down 4 inches from the 2009 data.
It is really nice to see that changes over the long term. That I am at my lowest weight in 4 years. I need to get a printout of my weight from my doctor. I have been going to her for YEARS. I want to see when I was my lowest and what it was.
Guess that is it for now. What are some things you do to help your Good Cholesterol?
Weight: 289.2 lbs
Loss: -1.8 lbs
Total: -38.8 lbs
Average Loss: 2.77 lbs /week
I was convinced last night that I was not going to have a loss this week. I was mentally preparing for it. I had sneaked a peak on Thursday and the scale had me at the same thing I was last Friday. I knew it was time to have the dreaded plateau. Then this morning the scale registered a loss. I was totally and completely in shock. My average per week is slowing down but I can accept that. I will just need to incorporate more exercise I think. My eating is right now in line I think. I will need to tweek some things. I need to limit the candy more. I like my chocolate. I also should look into eating more fruit. I just do not like that much fruit.
Today was also our Biometrics at work. My total cholesterol was really good (141) but the good cholesterol was really low (22) and that needs to change. I am doing the things that are suggested like working out and losing weight. I am going to see if adding any supplements might help. My BMI went from 61.2 down to 54.6. Yippy! I can not find my 2010 data, but my waist measurement went down 4 inches from the 2009 data.
It is really nice to see that changes over the long term. That I am at my lowest weight in 4 years. I need to get a printout of my weight from my doctor. I have been going to her for YEARS. I want to see when I was my lowest and what it was.
Guess that is it for now. What are some things you do to help your Good Cholesterol?
Weigh In,
work wellness program
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Mid-Week Musings and Rants
I am going to start of with a couple of good things, move to the not so good things and then end with I hope some more good things. We shall see.
Yesterday I called DrF to find out if she wanted to change my Glyburide based on my A1c results. She agreed that it needed to be changed. I am now taking 2.5 MG twice daily instead of 5mg twice daily. She also said that if I notice the numbers going down more with my weight loss I can go down to just 1 pill w/ dinner. I am really really happy about this.
On Friday I will be participating in my work's biometrics. It is part of our work wellness program. They will do a blood test for sugar and cholesterol and also measure blood pressure, weight, etc. Once I have the data I can enter it online to get a wellness score. I am hoping that the score will be better than every other year that I have entered data. The score goes from 0-100 with the lower the number the higher your risk. 0-70 is Very High, 70-80 is High, 80-90 is moderate and 90-100 is low risk. My 'best' score was 76. in 2008. I am looking forward to the numbers.
Now on to the not so good things.
Yesterday/Last night a storm system moved thru the area and about 2pm yesterday I started to feel the changes. It made me cranky, tired, and in a brain fog. These are all previews to getting a migraine. The lights started to hurt at work. I came home and had some dinner and then took a nap for almost 2 hours. So not a good thing. I did not take meds soon enough and woke up this morning in a complete pain fog. I could barely open my eyes it hurt so much. Time to bring out the prescription meds and call in to work. Keeping food down was a struggle and spent much of the morning in bed.
This afternoon has been better, but struggling with good food choices. Sometimes I get so fixated and frustrated on food. I just want to not have it be one of the first things I think about in the morning and one of the last things I think about at night. I want to have healthy choices become 2nd nature. I want to know what is better at restaurants. Heck I do know but sometimes just do not go with that choice. Today it was after driving JD and LM to work I wanted something for lunch. I thought about Qdoba but the parking lot was just too full. I ended up at Jimmy Johns. I ordered my usual and it is 820 calories. I am starting to beat myself up because I did not replace the mayo with mustard and that I got cheese. The sandwich could have been so much less in calories if I had just done those 2 things. I am trying to figure out if there is a reason I did not do that. Did I want to sabotage things? Now the bag of skinny chips is sitting beside me just mocking me. Why not just scarf those down as well? Does it even really matter? I will work through these thoughts. It is just hard with still having the brain fog.
I am also starting to beat myself up over not going to work out last night and not going today. I know I need to recover from the migraine and that working out could cause a rebound. It has happened before. I am just so worried that if I do not go then I will stop going all together. Of course that is not the case because I have a workout partner LM who would get me back in to the gym. It is so great that she has joined. I also have my Tai Chi class that I have to go to since I paid for it. I will probably go thru the moves tonight at least 3-5 times and that will help center and calm me.
Now to help me get out of this funk I am going to end with some good things.
A couple of people at work as well as some family have noticed the weight loss.
I portioned out a bag of pistachios so I have another snack ready to take to work.
I do feel that I am getting stronger.
I found a cool website that has listed healthy menu items from multiple restaurants.
I am getting great ideas and tips from other bloggers that I have been reading.
My work's wellness website (say that 5 times fast) has a new feature this year. I think it will give me some great information along with the other parts of the site.
Yesterday I called DrF to find out if she wanted to change my Glyburide based on my A1c results. She agreed that it needed to be changed. I am now taking 2.5 MG twice daily instead of 5mg twice daily. She also said that if I notice the numbers going down more with my weight loss I can go down to just 1 pill w/ dinner. I am really really happy about this.
On Friday I will be participating in my work's biometrics. It is part of our work wellness program. They will do a blood test for sugar and cholesterol and also measure blood pressure, weight, etc. Once I have the data I can enter it online to get a wellness score. I am hoping that the score will be better than every other year that I have entered data. The score goes from 0-100 with the lower the number the higher your risk. 0-70 is Very High, 70-80 is High, 80-90 is moderate and 90-100 is low risk. My 'best' score was 76. in 2008. I am looking forward to the numbers.
Now on to the not so good things.
Yesterday/Last night a storm system moved thru the area and about 2pm yesterday I started to feel the changes. It made me cranky, tired, and in a brain fog. These are all previews to getting a migraine. The lights started to hurt at work. I came home and had some dinner and then took a nap for almost 2 hours. So not a good thing. I did not take meds soon enough and woke up this morning in a complete pain fog. I could barely open my eyes it hurt so much. Time to bring out the prescription meds and call in to work. Keeping food down was a struggle and spent much of the morning in bed.
This afternoon has been better, but struggling with good food choices. Sometimes I get so fixated and frustrated on food. I just want to not have it be one of the first things I think about in the morning and one of the last things I think about at night. I want to have healthy choices become 2nd nature. I want to know what is better at restaurants. Heck I do know but sometimes just do not go with that choice. Today it was after driving JD and LM to work I wanted something for lunch. I thought about Qdoba but the parking lot was just too full. I ended up at Jimmy Johns. I ordered my usual and it is 820 calories. I am starting to beat myself up because I did not replace the mayo with mustard and that I got cheese. The sandwich could have been so much less in calories if I had just done those 2 things. I am trying to figure out if there is a reason I did not do that. Did I want to sabotage things? Now the bag of skinny chips is sitting beside me just mocking me. Why not just scarf those down as well? Does it even really matter? I will work through these thoughts. It is just hard with still having the brain fog.
I am also starting to beat myself up over not going to work out last night and not going today. I know I need to recover from the migraine and that working out could cause a rebound. It has happened before. I am just so worried that if I do not go then I will stop going all together. Of course that is not the case because I have a workout partner LM who would get me back in to the gym. It is so great that she has joined. I also have my Tai Chi class that I have to go to since I paid for it. I will probably go thru the moves tonight at least 3-5 times and that will help center and calm me.
Now to help me get out of this funk I am going to end with some good things.
A couple of people at work as well as some family have noticed the weight loss.
I portioned out a bag of pistachios so I have another snack ready to take to work.
I do feel that I am getting stronger.
I found a cool website that has listed healthy menu items from multiple restaurants.
I am getting great ideas and tips from other bloggers that I have been reading.
My work's wellness website (say that 5 times fast) has a new feature this year. I think it will give me some great information along with the other parts of the site.
food struggles,
work wellness program
Monday, April 18, 2011
Friend Making Monday!
FMM: The Grocery Store
1. Do you make a list when you go grocery shopping? Do you stick to it? We make a list, and mostly stick with it. I usually am generic in my list though unless there are some things that were on sale then I have the list from Kroger.
2. Do you buy more groceries when you're hungry? I really try hard to not shop when hungry. It makes a big difference if I have not eaten before going
3. Coupons. Use 'em? YES!!!!! I have my coupons set up by catagory. I have coupons saved to my Kroger plus card. I have ones I get from the paper and I also print out ones from the internet. I love coupons!
4. Have you ever complained to the manager of your grocery store? Yes.
5. Do you like to buy groceries at huge chain stores like Wal-Mart and Target? Or do you shop exclusively at food stores? My primary shopping place is Kroger's. I do check other ads during the week just in case they have stuff on sale that we get regularly. I shop based on sales for staples.
6. How much time do you spend reading labels in the grocery store? Not that much. If it is something new I am thinking about trying I check out the label. I get a lot of the same thing so I already know the numbers.
7. Do you push your own grocery cart to the car and return it? Out of the 3 of us that go shopping I am the one who pushes the cart. Then when we finish we return it to the cart corral in the parking lot.
8. What is the one food item you always buy at the grocery store that you must have in the kitchen? Diet Coke. (hangs head)
9. Do you enjoy grocery shopping? I love grocery shopping most of the times. I also enjoy finding the good deals.
10. How often do you shop for groceries? Once a week on Sunday mornings about 9am. We are known at the store and talk to the stockers and other employees as we go up and down the aisles.
food shopping
Saturday, April 16, 2011
More Numbers
I am a numbers kind of girl. I love messing with numbers and seeing what can be done. When I started keeping track of my blood sugar and blood pressure consistently I set up an excel spreadsheet to track and average my numbers.
Now today in the mail I got my blood work results from my doctor's appointment. I also found my results from my January 13th appointment.
Both times my A1c, ALT and AST were measured. The ALT and AST are liver enzyme tests.
Test Range 1/13/11 4/13/11
A1c 4.2-5.8 7.4 5.7
ALT 0-35 90 29
AST 0-32 98 24
WooHoo!! All abnormal readings are now in the normal range!
They are on still on the high side of normal, but I will take it! All my numbers seem to be going in the right direction.
Now today in the mail I got my blood work results from my doctor's appointment. I also found my results from my January 13th appointment.
Both times my A1c, ALT and AST were measured. The ALT and AST are liver enzyme tests.
Test Range 1/13/11 4/13/11
A1c 4.2-5.8 7.4 5.7
ALT 0-35 90 29
AST 0-32 98 24
WooHoo!! All abnormal readings are now in the normal range!
They are on still on the high side of normal, but I will take it! All my numbers seem to be going in the right direction.
health issues
Friday, April 15, 2011
Lunch At Waffle House
1st off a NSV- I was able to slide into the booth at Waffle House. Before we had been sitting at the counter since it was just too tight to squeeze into a booth. The booths are very hard plastic and no way to move them at all. (if you have ever been to waffle house you understand) Today I had a very visible reminder that I am getting smaller when we sat down. This was a good feeling.
Now some of you reading might be thinking what in the world was she doing at Waffle House? Isn't she on a diet? I personally see myself on a change of lifestyle. I am eating healthier and enjoying it very much. At times though I won't and I am ok with that. When my weight loss slows down or I have a plateau I will reevaluate what I am doing, but right now I am proud of what I am doing and how I am doing it. IT is working for me.
I think with the changes I made I cut the calories in half compared to what I use to eat at WH. I am happy with that. I do not think I will want an afternoon snack since I am still full. Dinner will be sushi and a bunch of veggies. A workout is scheduled for tonight.
Now some of you reading might be thinking what in the world was she doing at Waffle House? Isn't she on a diet? I personally see myself on a change of lifestyle. I am eating healthier and enjoying it very much. At times though I won't and I am ok with that. When my weight loss slows down or I have a plateau I will reevaluate what I am doing, but right now I am proud of what I am doing and how I am doing it. IT is working for me.
I would get the ham and cheese omelet plate with cheesy grits and a side of bacon. I would EAT all of it. A serving of the butter would be added to the grits. I would use 2 of the packets of jelly on my toast. Sometimes I would even have some of JD's toast or hashbrowns if he did not eat them.TODAY:
I still ordered the ham and cheese omelet plate with cheesy grits and a side of bacon. I ate 1.5 pieces of the bacon and gave the rest to JD. I did not add the butter to the grits and only ate 1/2 the bowl. I had 1 slice of toast and jelly. I also left about 2 bites of the omelet. I think with the changes I made I cut the calories in half compared to what I use to eat at WH. I am happy with that. I do not think I will want an afternoon snack since I am still full. Dinner will be sushi and a bunch of veggies. A workout is scheduled for tonight.
food diary,
my journey,
Friday Weigh In
I sneaked a peak at my weight yesterday to see if it was in line with the weight I registered at my doctor's appointment on Wednesday. I have noticed that my scale has me at about 2 lbs higher than my doctor's scale. I figure it is because my doctor has a balance scale. It was in line so I figured today there would be a loss and I was right. Even with the sneak though I stressed about it last night. I know it is not all about that number but sometimes it is hard to not get fixated on it. I have been saying I am going to start doing other measurements but have not at this time.
In 2 lbs I will be 1/2 way to my 1st big goal. I am going to aim to be there next week.
Average Loss: -2.85lbs
Now once again to get ready for work. Today I have a 1/2 day which is going to be nice. I have errands and other things to do and there is rain predicted but I still think it is going to be a great day.

By the Numbers:
Weight: 291.0lbs
Loss: -2.4lbs
Total loss: -37.0lbs
Now once again to get ready for work. Today I have a 1/2 day which is going to be nice. I have errands and other things to do and there is rain predicted but I still think it is going to be a great day.
Weigh In
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Follow Up and Zumba what a way to spend Wednesday
Today I had my 3 month follow up with my doctor. For once I was not dreading my doctor visit. I really like my doctor but did not like going since each time my weight or health issues were worse. Today that was totally different. She was very pleased with my weight loss. By her balance scale I am down 35 lbs since my appointment in January. She had me go downstairs to the lab to draw blood for an A1c as well as a liver function test. If the A1c is down considerably she is going to call in to have one of my prescriptions lowered. Very good news. We scheduled a 3 month follow up for July 13th.
Now for 5 NSVs
1) I am able to get into a pair of shoes that I bought about 6 months ago. The edema I have been having is much less. The shoes velcro fine and do not hurt! I wore them all day on Tuesday and did not feel like my feet were in a vice. Plus they look cute!
2) Dr F. lowered the dose of one of my blood pressure medications. She cut the dose in half. Yippy!!!
3) I kept track of my blood pressure and blood sugar numbers consistently for 3 months.
4) I had the energy to clean out the pantry on Sunday so that we can stock healthier items. We also reorganized because we found things that had expired. Next we probably need to work on the freezer and other areas in the kitchen.
5) Today I went to try the Zumba class at my Y. It was a good workout. I at times enjoyed myself. My main problem was that it was a big class and most everyone else had been doing it for awhile. It stated in the schedule that it is a beginner class, but did not feel that way. I had to be really careful of my knees. I will probably try the class again, but not sure I will make it a regular thing. I know if I did it more I would catch on. I need to figure out if/when they have more of an intro class.
I think the next class I am going to take is Intro to Group Exercise. It is a 1/2 hour class that intros members to each type of group exercise class they offer. It changes each week. I also want to look into going to the Pilates class.
And now we are on the downward slope to the weekend!! Next weekend I have a 90 minute massage scheduled as a reward for my 10% loss.
Now for 5 NSVs
1) I am able to get into a pair of shoes that I bought about 6 months ago. The edema I have been having is much less. The shoes velcro fine and do not hurt! I wore them all day on Tuesday and did not feel like my feet were in a vice. Plus they look cute!
2) Dr F. lowered the dose of one of my blood pressure medications. She cut the dose in half. Yippy!!!
3) I kept track of my blood pressure and blood sugar numbers consistently for 3 months.
4) I had the energy to clean out the pantry on Sunday so that we can stock healthier items. We also reorganized because we found things that had expired. Next we probably need to work on the freezer and other areas in the kitchen.

I think the next class I am going to take is Intro to Group Exercise. It is a 1/2 hour class that intros members to each type of group exercise class they offer. It changes each week. I also want to look into going to the Pilates class.
And now we are on the downward slope to the weekend!! Next weekend I have a 90 minute massage scheduled as a reward for my 10% loss.
health issues,
Monday, April 11, 2011
FMM= Friend Making Monday
I saw this on Lily Fluffbottom's blog who found it on All the Weigh's blog. I figured I would participate as well. I love meeting new people in real life and virtually.
So where we go!
1) What is your favorite part of an average day? I really like late nights. I am such a night owl and love the quiet and sitting under the moonlight or listening to a thunderstorm as the lightning flashes.
2) Is there one food that you eat every single day? Lately I have been eating Wasabi Roasted Seaweed. It is from Annie Chun's and satisfies my crunch and salty cravings without all the oil that is on chips. I have even set up a reoccurring order on Amazon so I can get it delivered.
3) Are you an early bird, or do you prefer to sleep in late? I prefer to sleep in late but having to be in at 8am makes that hard.
4) Share one thing that you're looking forward to doing this week. Tai Chi class on Saturday at the Y. I signed up last week and it will be the 2nd class. So far we have learned 4 moves. It is going to help me relax and also strengthen my legs.
5) What's for dinner this evening? Crab and Cheese stuffed Flounder with maybe Brussels Sprouts. I am still debating on the brussels sprouts though. I have only tried them once before and I was not that impressed. I figure I can give them another chance though.
So where we go!
FMM: Everyday Things

3) Are you an early bird, or do you prefer to sleep in late? I prefer to sleep in late but having to be in at 8am makes that hard.
4) Share one thing that you're looking forward to doing this week. Tai Chi class on Saturday at the Y. I signed up last week and it will be the 2nd class. So far we have learned 4 moves. It is going to help me relax and also strengthen my legs.
5) What's for dinner this evening? Crab and Cheese stuffed Flounder with maybe Brussels Sprouts. I am still debating on the brussels sprouts though. I have only tried them once before and I was not that impressed. I figure I can give them another chance though.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Sunday Food Shopping
On Sunday we go to Kroger's and do shopping for the week. We also sometimes go to other stores or the Farmers' Market. Today was a light shopping day with mostly fresh items and household goods. Also my one addiction- Diet Coke.
Today the Sunday outdoor Lexington Farmers' Market opened for business! LM and I went and found some finds even though it is early in the season. Right now most of the things being sold are meats and plants. We ended up with some sweet potatoes, tomatoes and english cucumbers. I can not have the tomatoes since I have an allergy but LM and JD will love them.
I even took a picture of our 'bounty'. I enjoy walking down the row of booths and finding some great veggies to cook. I find the Sunday market alittle easier to shop than the Saturday one. The other great thing is that the Sunday market is right down the street from Good Foods Co-Op which is a great store to get interesting products.
Now for the weird picture of the day. JD likes to buy snacks for his gaming group and today he decided on Hostess Donettes. The bag pictured below is suppose to be Frosted Mini Donuts and it does have frosted in it.
Quality control was lacking on this run since there are also powdered donuts in the bag. So a lovely bag of assorted donuts. :) Now it is time to do a pantry purge. We have been meaning to organize and remove items that we have bought but now just do not plan to eat. I think in the end we will have some bag for God's Pantry and a bag of trash due to stuff being expired. Once it is done we can slowly restock with healthier alternatives and items we will eat.
![]() |
Lexington Farmers' Market |
I even took a picture of our 'bounty'. I enjoy walking down the row of booths and finding some great veggies to cook. I find the Sunday market alittle easier to shop than the Saturday one. The other great thing is that the Sunday market is right down the street from Good Foods Co-Op which is a great store to get interesting products.
Now for the weird picture of the day. JD likes to buy snacks for his gaming group and today he decided on Hostess Donettes. The bag pictured below is suppose to be Frosted Mini Donuts and it does have frosted in it.
Quality control was lacking on this run since there are also powdered donuts in the bag. So a lovely bag of assorted donuts. :) Now it is time to do a pantry purge. We have been meaning to organize and remove items that we have bought but now just do not plan to eat. I think in the end we will have some bag for God's Pantry and a bag of trash due to stuff being expired. Once it is done we can slowly restock with healthier alternatives and items we will eat.
food shopping
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Weekend Ponderings- Finding the good things
TMI moment here... Aunt Flo started her visit yesterday. For me this includes cramps and crankiness with a side of paranoia and headaches. I have a hard time being in my skin at this time. I know I want to eat and little things magnify in my head. I had a really good loss on the scale yesterday. I know this. Yet I have this thought of it is not good enough running around in my head. I am feeling almost worse about the 'only' 2.4 lbs lost than I did when I gained 1 lb after coming back from vacation. To counteract these thoughts I am going to list 10 good things that have happened in the past 24 hours.
This time of year I can get my mini cadbury creme eggs. They are only 40 calories an egg. I use to eat a whole big one but that was almost always too much. These are just the right size to satisfy my sweet tooth.
Now I am debating about walking over to dollar tree. Another NSV! 3 months ago I would be wishing I could walk over but not feel confident enough that I would be able to handle the short walk.
- Date Night with JD: We went to I Ching and then to see Your Highness at Regal. The cool thing is that we left the car parked by I Ching and walked down the street to the theater. It was not a long walk but way more than I would have done just 3 months ago.
- I went with LM to the Y this morning and did 30 minutes on the elliptical. I was able to bump up the resistance and not have my heart rate go thru the roof.
- I have read some great posts on blogs that I am following.
- My blood sugar is staying in line and at times is being low
- My blood pressure is definitely going too low at times and I believe my doctor on Wednesday will have to adjust my medications.
- There is a bird's nest in our tree out front and I think there might be eggs.
- The thunderstorms earlier were great and now the skies are clear and the day is beautiful.
- When I went to Meijer today to get some items I did not circle the parking lot waiting for a really close parking spot to open up. I parked in one of the first places I saw and did not think twice about the walk to the door.
- I got 27 items for $31 at Meijer because of a good sale. I got some frozen Green Giant veggies that will be great. I have found that having an assortment of frozen veggies keeps me from getting bored with veggies. I am going to give brussell sprouts another chance.
- I found my Favorite flavor of El Monterey Taquitos at Meijer. Kroger has not been carrying them lately. They are the Southwest Chicken ones in a seasoned batter.
This time of year I can get my mini cadbury creme eggs. They are only 40 calories an egg. I use to eat a whole big one but that was almost always too much. These are just the right size to satisfy my sweet tooth.
Now I am debating about walking over to dollar tree. Another NSV! 3 months ago I would be wishing I could walk over but not feel confident enough that I would be able to handle the short walk.
Friday, April 8, 2011
4-8 Weigh In
Today I saw another loss on the scale and now I have lost 10% of my starting weight. My next 10% would be when I get to 262.4. I still need to decide what I want to do for my loss. I really have no clue. Any ideas????
By The Numbers:
Weight Today: 293.4 lbs
Loss from last week: -2.4 lbs
Total Loss in 12 Weeks: -34.6 lbs
Average Loss Per Week: -2.88 lbs
Now it is time to get ready for work. Today is FRIDAY!!! Water aerobics is at 6:30. Tonight is date night so going to see Your Highness I think and someplace for dinner with JD.
By The Numbers:
Weight Today: 293.4 lbs
Loss from last week: -2.4 lbs
Total Loss in 12 Weeks: -34.6 lbs
Average Loss Per Week: -2.88 lbs
Now it is time to get ready for work. Today is FRIDAY!!! Water aerobics is at 6:30. Tonight is date night so going to see Your Highness I think and someplace for dinner with JD.
Weigh In
Monday, April 4, 2011
I don't wanna!!!
Today has been a rainy icky day. The wind came thru and the temperature dropped about 25 degrees in a couple of hours. This caused my knees to hurt and pop. I have moderate arthritis in both of my knees and I have had physical therapy twice in the past 5 years. One doctor even suggested that I get a shot of some synthetic fluid to help the with the pain and movement. I do not feel that I needed the shot at this time. Maybe later. I just have to strengthen my leg muscles and just be careful at times. The weather does affect my knees and a day like this is a doozy. Because of this I did give serious thought to not going to the Y tonight. I just did not want to go. But then I would be letting my roommate down since she wanted to go.
I started out on the treadmill and was bored and annoyed. I lasted 10 minutes and decided to move to another piece of equipment. I decided to try the recumbent bike and was unable to do it. I could not find a good setting to have my knee not hurt. I did not give up though. I then moved to the Precor Elliptical machine. Sometimes it is my enemy and other times it is my favorite thing. Tonight I did a great 10 minutes. My knees did not hurt or pop and I was able to increase the resistance. It so helped that a great song started on my MP3 player. I got into a zone. 10 minutes was enough and I ended with 20 minutes of cardio. I can live with that. LM did about 30 minutes so while she was finishing up I went to the empty group exercise room and practiced the first 4 Tai Chi moves that I learned on Saturday. I have to pull out the handouts though since I think I might have 1 part incorrect.
We got done and then headed out to get JD from work. Once I got home I had a small snack and also checked my blood sugar. I was feeling alittle different, but not all that worried. My reading came in at 68... which is low. I decided that having some juice in addition to my snack was in order. It has been about 45 minutes and my blood sugar is now at 98. I am happy.
I will end this with links to 2 posts on blogs that I have been reading regularly.
Health and Fitness Lies- Written by Noel Figart
Skinny Emmie's 1/2 Marathon Recap
OK, and one more.
Skinny Emmie's most recent post In this she talks about how her heart and her head are not in sync today after what she did yesterday.
I started out on the treadmill and was bored and annoyed. I lasted 10 minutes and decided to move to another piece of equipment. I decided to try the recumbent bike and was unable to do it. I could not find a good setting to have my knee not hurt. I did not give up though. I then moved to the Precor Elliptical machine. Sometimes it is my enemy and other times it is my favorite thing. Tonight I did a great 10 minutes. My knees did not hurt or pop and I was able to increase the resistance. It so helped that a great song started on my MP3 player. I got into a zone. 10 minutes was enough and I ended with 20 minutes of cardio. I can live with that. LM did about 30 minutes so while she was finishing up I went to the empty group exercise room and practiced the first 4 Tai Chi moves that I learned on Saturday. I have to pull out the handouts though since I think I might have 1 part incorrect.
We got done and then headed out to get JD from work. Once I got home I had a small snack and also checked my blood sugar. I was feeling alittle different, but not all that worried. My reading came in at 68... which is low. I decided that having some juice in addition to my snack was in order. It has been about 45 minutes and my blood sugar is now at 98. I am happy.
I will end this with links to 2 posts on blogs that I have been reading regularly.
Health and Fitness Lies- Written by Noel Figart
Skinny Emmie's 1/2 Marathon Recap
OK, and one more.
Skinny Emmie's most recent post In this she talks about how her heart and her head are not in sync today after what she did yesterday.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Weekends are always the hardest
Weekends are always the hardest for me to make healthy food choices. I am getting better but sometimes I just want to go all out and EAT. This weekend I have gone over my goal of being under 1800 but not as much as I use to. I got a 550 meal when I went to Applebees on Friday night that was very good and I planned what I was going to get when we went to Qdoba for dinner on Saturday. My restaurant meals out are not including appetizers and desserts. I am getting smaller meals and getting something other than fries as the sides. I really think Friday and Saturday I was under 3000 calories and maybe under 2500. With my current weight these numbers are still lower or right near what I have seen as my BMR and my activity level. This is good progress.
Friday I took the night off from working out since I had gone M-Th. On Saturday I got up and headed to my Tai Chi class. We had a small history lesson and explanation of what Tai Chi is and then learned the first 4 moves of the form. My legs are going to get such a workout! It is great. I know it will help the arthritis in my knees. After the class I went upstairs and did 20 minutes on a treadmill.
Today my roommate went with me to the Y and she joined as well. WooHoo. It is going to be really nice having someone to go with. We will probably do different things at times since she is not into water aerobics. Today we did 20 minutes on the treadmill. My knees have been giving me some fits today. They are sore and have been popping alittle bit. I have taken some meds for it.
After the Y we went over to Target and I got a pair of Swim Shorts to go with the tankini from the swim set I got earlier. I am just not going to be able to wear the skirt to water aerobics and I need to get rid of the swimsuit I have been using. I might get another suit later as well. My biggest problem with a regular suit is so many have french (high) cut leg holes. I know I can find ones that are not that way, but need to look around. I will also need to wait alittle bit since today I paid for another 3 months at the Y.
Edit: and tonight dinner ended up being Chinese Buffet. There is a new one that just opened yesterday on New Circle Rd. It was good, but I am so full. Another reason I am glad I have my weigh ins on Fridays.
Friday I took the night off from working out since I had gone M-Th. On Saturday I got up and headed to my Tai Chi class. We had a small history lesson and explanation of what Tai Chi is and then learned the first 4 moves of the form. My legs are going to get such a workout! It is great. I know it will help the arthritis in my knees. After the class I went upstairs and did 20 minutes on a treadmill.
Today my roommate went with me to the Y and she joined as well. WooHoo. It is going to be really nice having someone to go with. We will probably do different things at times since she is not into water aerobics. Today we did 20 minutes on the treadmill. My knees have been giving me some fits today. They are sore and have been popping alittle bit. I have taken some meds for it.
After the Y we went over to Target and I got a pair of Swim Shorts to go with the tankini from the swim set I got earlier. I am just not going to be able to wear the skirt to water aerobics and I need to get rid of the swimsuit I have been using. I might get another suit later as well. My biggest problem with a regular suit is so many have french (high) cut leg holes. I know I can find ones that are not that way, but need to look around. I will also need to wait alittle bit since today I paid for another 3 months at the Y.
Edit: and tonight dinner ended up being Chinese Buffet. There is a new one that just opened yesterday on New Circle Rd. It was good, but I am so full. Another reason I am glad I have my weigh ins on Fridays.
food diary,
Tai Chi
Friday, April 1, 2011
Weigh In
Remember last week where I said I thought 2lbs in 3 weeks was very doable to reach my first goal? Well this week I blew past that and now only .6 away from my 10% loss. This morning I am firmly in the 200's and never to see the 300's again!
My Weight: 295.8 lbs
I have no idea what to do for my goal of 10% lost. Maybe I will get another massage from Spencerian Massage School. I am probably going to have to get myself another swim suit though. I tried out my new one in water aerobics last night with mixed results. The top was great! It held the puppies firmly in place and made me feel very comfortable. The bottom part not so much. I really think the skirt is cute, but not practical now that I have worn it in a class. It moved too much. It did not stay as tight to my thighs once it was wet. I was thinking that might be the case, but it was so cute! *grins* I may have to buy a pair of swim shorts and pair it with the tankini top.
Now time to get ready for work and decide on some breakfast. Today is going to be a great day! The best thing is that it is Friday and the weekend is soon!
My Weight: 295.8 lbs
I have no idea what to do for my goal of 10% lost. Maybe I will get another massage from Spencerian Massage School. I am probably going to have to get myself another swim suit though. I tried out my new one in water aerobics last night with mixed results. The top was great! It held the puppies firmly in place and made me feel very comfortable. The bottom part not so much. I really think the skirt is cute, but not practical now that I have worn it in a class. It moved too much. It did not stay as tight to my thighs once it was wet. I was thinking that might be the case, but it was so cute! *grins* I may have to buy a pair of swim shorts and pair it with the tankini top.
Now time to get ready for work and decide on some breakfast. Today is going to be a great day! The best thing is that it is Friday and the weekend is soon!
water aerobics,
Weigh In
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