I sneaked a peak at my weight yesterday to see if it was in line with the weight I registered at my doctor's appointment on Wednesday. I have noticed that my scale has me at about 2 lbs higher than my doctor's scale. I figure it is because my doctor has a balance scale. It was in line so I figured today there would be a loss and I was right. Even with the sneak though I stressed about it last night. I know it is not all about that number but sometimes it is hard to not get fixated on it. I have been saying I am going to start doing other measurements but have not at this time.

In 2 lbs I will be 1/2 way to my 1st big goal. I am going to aim to be there next week.
By the Numbers:
Weight: 291.0lbs
Loss: -2.4lbs
Total loss: -37.0lbs
Average Loss: -2.85lbs
Now once again to get ready for work. Today I have a 1/2 day which is going to be nice. I have errands and other things to do and there is rain predicted but I still think it is going to be a great day.
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